The Round Up - 2024 R06

I’ll aim to group a couple of things here from each round, starting with my rankings across a few categories based off my matchSLICE ratings.

At the moment these rankings aren’t adjusted for opponent difficulty.

They’re all based off an equity model - e.g. attacking from intercept looks at where you started your intercept chains and how much you improved your situation by the time you lose possession through a stoppage, turnover, or score. I’ve highlighted the top 4 and bottom 4 in each category. In the near future I’ll do a bit of a deeper dive into how these ratings are generated as part of explaining the matchSLICE report.

For reference here are the rankings from the end of each of the previous three seasons in a rougher format.

As we go forward I’ll aim to put a few interesting observations from each round, but for now I’ll finish off by chucking the matchSLICE reports from each game of the round (partly because I’m slightly nervous that if I don’t have them embedded directly in a page somewhere Squarespace will delete them as unused images…)


Worked example of player ratings - FRE v MEL R19 2024


Territory Charts 2024 R0-R6